Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Mountain adventures this weekend?

  •  07-10-2008, 11:37 AM

    Mountain adventures this weekend?

    Hey, the weather looks like it might be quite decent this weekend so is anyone up for some mountain adventures? I have the loose plan of going skiing on Friday at Turoa, but after that am pretty flexible so could meet up with others just keen for the weekend!

    Some ideas could be:

    •  climb Taranaki and camp on the top
    •  wander up Ruapehu and find some climbing to do
    •  go somewhere else

    Personally I'd be keen to go play with ropes on some interesting stuff and then camp somewhere cool, but there would no doubt be other options for just wandering around and up stuff and getting cool views of the sunset.

    Let me know if your keen for any of this anyway and we'll see what happens...


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