Victoria University of Wellington Tramping Club
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Easter tramping!

Last post 29-03-2010, 9:20 PM by Kieran. 0 replies.
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  •  29-03-2010, 9:20 PM 5100

    Easter tramping!

    Hey everyone,

    Easter is upon us and that means four days off and roaming about in the hills somewhere! (or two weeks for all you students out there!)

    This easter we shall not go to Whirinaki Forest as per the calendar, because it has been decided it is rather too far to drive just to thrash round in the bush. Instead we shall head to the Northern and Central Ruahines, which are located up past Palmy (Palmeston North) only a few hours drive away. There is heaps of alpine tussock tops, open river valleys, nice comfy huts and thick bush to explore - worthy of a four day mission.

    The trip shall leave Thursday night and return Monday night, have a yet to be determined cost (depends on exactly where we go - probably $30-40) and shall have a few different groups depending on your level of keeness/fitness.

    To sign up come to the meeting tomorrow night (there's easter eggs too, so double reason to turn up!) and put your name plus contact details on a bit of paper I shall have there. Otherwise email me ( by tomorrow night if you can't make the meeting. You will then be contacted by your group leader on Wednesday to arrange group dinners, etc.

    Its a great opportunity to go on a longer trip, particularly if you are thinking of coming on the mid year week-long trip to the South Isalnd in July.


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