Thursday, 6 March 2025 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Organisers: Tommy Thomson, Justin Atkinson
Explore the Wellington region with VUWTC's 2025 weekly evening walks. We begin with that most classic of Wellington views, Mount Victoria!
This will be a super social and possibly chaotic walk up a steep-ish hill. It will be a 45min return walk from the CBD to the summit and back.
Sheep edition of logo coming soon...
Walkies are largely free trips, though some involve travel costs on public transport or private vehicle. Future Walkies locations may include:
- Botans
- Mt Kaukau
- Photography edition
- Te Ahumairangi
- Playground crawls
- Flip a coin
- Brooklyn Bunkers & Turbine
- Petone beach
- Random bus spin wheel
- Red Rocks
- Conservation edition
- Trelissick Park
- Wrights Hill
- Pub crawls
- Trespassing at Massey Unis (also stealing their fruit!)
- Art crawls
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This trip is not open for sign ups yet - check again closer to the time!