By Neve Hopman, 26 May 2023
What the people had to say (via an anonymous survey)
81% of people left feeling rejuvenated and recharged, 19% were hungover and haggard. The playlist gained a cumulative 4.7 star rating and in accordance with the wedding theme, 6% of people found love <3 as for the 94% who didn’t… there’s always next year I guess.
Confession time: what were you up to at midnight?
‘Passing out’
‘Napping on the dance floor, using a Bible as a pillow.
‘Sitting by the fire smoking a joint with the weed people i think’
‘Did it last until midnight? By the end we all left lovebirds Lochie and Rewa to it on the dancefloor, hung around outside for a while, I went to talk to Chris and others by the campfire then went to bed fully clothed in his tent without him’
‘Something my mum would not be proud of’
‘We started the bush ball party with some people getting married, and then loud music where everybody danced, and i finished up the night having a quiet talk around the campfire.’
‘Curating the soundtrack to Lochie and Rewa falling in love. Also interpretive dance.’
‘I think I was probably in bed by then’
‘Sitting around the fire’
'Grabbing Patrick’s ankles to drag him back into his tent. Tommy had his arms.'
‘Finishing the dregs of the goon, listening to Ira’s sad music, waiting for everyone to trickle out so I could turn off the generator and go to bed.’
‘Making out with Lochie on the dance floor? (To the National/Daffodils, and then only the wringing in my head after someone switched the generator off) Midnight swimming maybe?’